Cat Dental Health: What Every Owner Should Know About Dental Care

While all pet parents try their best to ensure the health of their feline friend it can be hard to spot symptoms due to our furry companions being masters of disguising pain. Our Union City veterinary team explains the common sign of dental health concerns and how you can help provide adequate routine dental care for your cat.

Dental Health Care For Cats

Your cat's oral health is important to their overall health and wellbeing. Your cat uses their mouth, teeth and gums to eat and vocalize, so when their oral structures are diseased or damaged, and stop functioning properly, your cat experiences pain, which will interfere with their ability to eat and communicate normally. 

Not only that, the bacteria and infection that causes many oral health issues that your cat may experience to spread throughout their body. Left untreated the infection and bacteria from your cat's mouth may begin to damage organs such as their kidneys, liver and heart and leading to more serious impacts to their overall health and longevity of your feline friend.

Signs of Cat Dental Concerns

While the symptoms may vary depending on the condition your cat is experiencing, if you notice any of the following behaviors or symptoms, there is a chance that your cat is suffering from dental disease.

Some of the most common symptoms of dental disease in cats can include:

  • Bad Breath (halitosis)
  • Excessive drooling
  • Weight loss
  • Difficulty with or slow eating
  • Missing or loose teeth
  • Visible tartar
  • Bleeding, swollen or noticeably red gums
  • Pawing at their teeth or mouth

If you notice any of the above signs of dental disease in your cat, bring them to your Union City vet as soon as possible for examinations. The sooner your cat's dental disease is diagnosed and treated the better for your cat's long-term health.

Common Dental Diseases For Cats

While there is a wide range of health issues that can affect your cat's gums, teeth and other oral structures, there are three particularly common conditions to watch out for. 

Periodontal Disease

  • Approximately 70% of all cats will develop some form of periodontal disease by the time they reach the age of 3. This disease is an infection caused by bacteria found in plaque—the soft film of bacteria and food debris that builds up on teeth over the course of the day. If your cat's plaque isn't regularly brushed away or cleaned, it will harden and form tartar that extends below their gum life. When the bacteria gets trapped below your cat's gum line and against their teeth, it will begin to irritate and erode the structures supporting your kitty's teeth. If untreated, periodontal disease can cause severe infection of your cat's gums, loose and missing teeth, and organ damage as the bacteria travels throughout your pet's body.


  • Feline stomatitis is an incredibly painful inflammation and ulceration—opening of sores—of your cat's gums, cheeks and tongue. Persians and Himalayans are predisposed to developing this condition but any cat can develop stomatitis. Cats suffering from this condition are often in extreme pain and have reduced appetites because of that. In some cases, cats will become malnourished because it is so painful for them to eat. If your cat develops a mild case, at-home care might be enough to treat their stomatitis. But severe cases require surgical intervention.

Tooth Resorption

  • Tooth resorption in cats describes the gradual destruction of a tooth or multiple teeth in your cat's mouth. This is a fairly common condition in cats, potentially affecting up to three-quarters of middle-aged and older cats.  When a cat suffers from tooth resorption, their body begins to break down their tooth's hard outer layer, loosening it and causing pain. This destruction occurs below your cat's gumline so it can be challenging to detect without a dental x-ray. However, if your cat suddenly develops a preference for soft foods or swallows their food without chewing, they may be suffering from this condition.

Providing Dental Care & Preventing Dental Disease in Cats

The absolute best way to help prevent the development of dental problems with your cat's teeth is to brush your cat's teeth regularly. Your cat's teeth and gums will have a much better chance of remaining healthy if plaque is brushed or wiped away before it can cause damage or infection. While this may seem far-fetched, if you begin the process while your feline friend is young it can become a normal and stress-free part of your cat's daily routine. If your cat won't tolerate you cleaning their teeth, dental treats and foods are also available to help you keep your cat's teeth healthy.

To keep your kitty's teeth in tip-top condition take your pet for a professional dental examination and cleaning once a year. Bringing your cat in for routine dental visits with their pet dentist will include a thorough examination of your cat's teeth as well as a deep cleaning and possibly even X-rays.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

If your cat is suffering from symptoms of dental disease or is in need of a routine exam, contact our vets in Union City today.